Annual Reports

These annual reports are very important. They track data and a lot of the data is the hidden kind of data that people don’t like to look at or talk about.

These reports give the stats of information that they have access to because people are filing complaints or people are accessing their services for support. This data DOES NOT reflect the FULL reality of social issues in our society. Just like how most of crime goes unreported, there are many social issues due to oppression that do not get reported or addressed.

However, these reports still represent an important peak through the window of what these organizations are being exposed to in terms of needs.

Year 2023-2024

Inclusion BC – 26 pages

Year 2022-2023

Community Legal Assistance Society – 18 pages
Human Rights Tribunal – 23 pages
Inclusion BC – 25 pages
OIPC -36 pages
Ombudsperson BC– 88 pages
Ministry of Education and Childcare – 32 pages
Ministry of Family and Child Development – 30 pages
Representative of Children and Youth – 116 pages
Commissioner for Teacher Regulation (Teachers Regulation Branch) – 27 Pages
Canadian Human Rights Commissioner (2023)

Special Reports:

Still Left Out: Children and youth with disabilities in BC – Representative for Children and Youth

Year 2021-2022

Human Rights Tribunal – 35 pages
BC Office of Human Rights Commissioner -43 pages
Community Legal Assistance Society – 26 pages
Ombudsperson – 92 pages
Office of Information and Privacy Commissioner – 36 pages
Ministry of Education and Childcare – 22 pages
Inclusion BC – 27 pages
Family Support Institute -24 pages
Ministry of Family and Child Development – 19 pages
Representative of Children and Youth – 132 pages
Teacher’s Regulation Branch – 27 pages