Parent/Guardian Blogs

Here are a list of other parent/guardian blogs that I am aware of. If you know of any that you would like to share to add to the list, I would appreciate it.

These are purely a collection for sharing of information, I can’t possibly read through everything, so just like on my own website, I will restate it here as this applies to everyone else’s blog as well:

Disclaimer: On this website are some general tips that I have learnt along the way that I wish I knew before I started down the advocacy path. I offer these as suggestions for you to consider for your own advocacy efforts. As a disclaimer: please see this list as a Sunday brunch buffet of options and not a prescription of exact steps that you need to follow. I hope this information empowers parents when moving forward to reflect on their own values and make their own advocacy decisions. I know for myself, that when I move down a path that aligns with my values, I feel that much stronger.

Parent/Guardian Blog List (Alphabetical Order)

Learned Patient Advocacy (Advocacy)

The Dyslexia Initiative (From Texas, USA)

Organization Blogs

BC Ed Access BLOG

Dyslexia BC BLOG

Inclusion BC BLOG