
If anyone has any questions or would like to discuss any of the
content on my website, please feel welcome to reach out to me.

There is a lot of information on my website and I struggle with the best way on how to deliver this information. If you have any feedback that you would like to give me on understanding the content, the appearance, the layout, etc, I would love to hear it.


If you are going to email me, please follow the list below. This may sound a bit extreme, but this is all to protect you. I am not a lawyer. We do not have lawyer-client confidentiality and the respondent’s lawyers if they knew we were communicating could potentially put me as a witness or request our email communication during the human rights complaint process. This just keeps everything really clean and you protected.


  1. You can ask me questions that are specific about navigating systems and the processes of those systems.
  2. You can ask for helpful hints, tips, or tricks of the system that are general.
  3. You can ask for case law on topics.

Please do not

  1. Please do not send me confidential documents.
  2. Please do not tell me any identifying details about your case.
  3. Please do not tell me what district you are from.
  4. Please do not ask me for legal advice. I cannot provide advice on how you should proceed.

Kim @